

Just write a post, Emily. Why does it have to feel so … big?

The fact is, for me, sitting down to “just write” is hugely intimidating. “So, why did you start a blog, then?” Great question! Because I’ve fancied myself a ~*writer*~ since I was in 6th or 7th grade, but have been struggling with that for the past few years as I don’t find myself doing much ~*writing*~ anymore. 

I’m teeming with the desire, compulsion even, to write. But I’m not someone who’s got a story flowing through them. I’ve never sat down and just word-vomited a piece because “the story needed to be told!” I don’t have universes or characters developing in my brain.

That makes fiction writing a struggle. I wish I could “get into a character’s head” and just become them for a few hours while writing their journey. But non-fiction is fraught, too. It’s just. So. Vulnerable. I have started more personal writing again, but so much of that is stuff I have no interest in broadcasting online, even if it is just to my closest friends and maybe some family reading.

I don’t have a specific topic on which I’m an expert and could write for days, either. That probably has more to do with my Imposter Syndrome than anything else, and rest assured there *will* be a post about that. 

Just write a post. Just write something. Write about fitness, or life in a new city, or being a dog mom, or what books you’re reading. Just write it. And share it. Just rip the bandaid off.

But for the love of god don’t write another post about how writing is hard!

LifeEmily M.WritingComment